Warning from the ‘Godfather’ of AI: Open Source LLMs Pose Increased Risks to Artificial Intelligence


  • UK AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton expresses concerns about open source LLMs, stating that they could enable the misuse of AI technology.
  • OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s PaLM are closed-off proprietary LLMs, leading to higher development costs and limited access.
  • Open source LLMs offer a cost-effective alternative, particularly for smaller companies seeking to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT.
  • Hinton suggests that keeping LLMs confined to a few major companies across different countries might help maintain control.
  • Unrestricted access to open source LLMs can lead to unregulated experimentation and potential dangers.
  • Hinton believes superintelligent AI surpassing human intelligence could arrive sooner than expected, potentially within the next five to twenty years.
  • Practical expertise is required alongside philosophical discussions to address the implications of AI.
  • Hinton proposes that AI development companies should prioritize the safety assessment of AI models during their development stages.
  • DeepMind, Google’s AI lab, introduces an early warning system to identify AI-related risks.

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Open source LLMs (large language models) have garnered significant attention and adoption in recent months, empowering businesses and consumers with generative AI systems like ChatGPT. These powerful tools can swiftly generate detailed texts and images, promising transformation across various industries. However, Geoffrey Hinton, the esteemed UK AI pioneer known as the “godfather of AI” for his groundbreaking neural network research, raises a cautionary flag. Hinton believes that the unrestricted availability of LLM code in open source platforms may render artificial intelligence more susceptible to misuse and exploitation.

While proprietary LLMs such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s PaLM are closed-off, requiring substantial investments in development, proponents argue that open source alternatives offer a cost-effective option, particularly for smaller companies aiming to harness AI’s capabilities, including tools like ChatGPT.

However, Hinton, who recently left his position at Google to express his concerns freely about AI development, voices his apprehensions regarding the growing open source LLM movement. Following a lecture at the Cambridge University Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, he highlights the potential challenges. “The danger of open source is that it enables more crazies to do crazy things with [AI],” he warns. Hinton suggests that confining LLMs to established companies like OpenAI might prove beneficial, allowing a select few prominent organizations, ideally across various countries, to develop and simultaneously control this technology.

According to Hinton, open-sourcing AI in its entirety would facilitate unregulated experimentation, potentially uncovering the darker aspects of AI capabilities. He emphasizes the urgency of understanding the risks associated with AI, stating, “As soon as you open source everything, people will start doing all sorts of crazy things with it. It would be a very quick way to discover how [AI] can go wrong.”

During his lecture, Hinton reiterates his belief that superintelligent AI, surpassing human intelligence, is imminent. He points out that GPT-4 already displays signs of advanced intelligence, challenging his previous estimation of this milestone being 50-100 years away. He now suggests that it could occur within the next five to twenty years. With such rapid advancement, Hinton argues that decisions regarding the future of AI should not rest solely in the hands of philosophers but require practical expertise.

While acknowledging the complexity of addressing AI’s implications, Hinton proposes a strategy for managing AI’s safety. He believes that companies engaged in AI development should be compelled to invest significant effort in assessing the safety of AI models throughout their development stages. Understanding AI’s behavior, its potential for escape, and methods of control are crucial steps to gaining valuable experience in handling this powerful technology.

In response to these concerns, DeepMind, the AI lab under Hinton’s former employer Google, announced the creation of an early warning system to identify potential risks associated with AI.


The concerns raised by Geoffrey Hinton regarding open source LLMs and their potential misuse highlight the importance of responsible AI development. While open source alternatives offer cost-effectiveness and accessibility, unregulated experimentation poses risks to society. The rapid advancement toward superintelligent AI underscores the need for practical experience and safety assessment as companies navigate the evolving AI landscape. Balancing the benefits of AI with the imperative to control and mitigate its potential hazards will be a crucial consideration for businesses operating in the AI market.
