WavTokenizer: Pioneering the Future of Acoustic Codec Models

  • Large-scale language models are advancing generative speech, music, and audio tasks.
  • Speech modality integration in multimodal models is becoming prevalent with innovations like SpeechGPT and AnyGPT.
  • Discrete acoustic codec representations drive progress but face challenges in high bitrate compression and bridging continuous speech with token-based models.
  • WavTokenizer is a new model developed by Zhejiang University, Alibaba, and Meta. It offers significant improvements in compression and audio quality.
  • The model requires only 40 or 75 tokens per second of 24kHz audio, outperforming existing models in reconstruction quality and efficiency.
  • WavTokenizer is trained on diverse datasets and performs well across critical metrics, including UTMOS, STOI, PESQ, and F1 scores.
  • It represents a major step forward in audio compression and reconstruction, potentially revolutionizing the market.

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Large-scale language models are leading a transformative wave in the rapidly evolving fields of speech synthesis, music generation, and audio creation. Integrating speech modalities into multimodal models, with innovations like SpeechGPT and AnyGPT, has emerged as a critical development. This progress hinges on the discrete acoustic codec representations from neural codec models. However, a significant challenge remains: bridging the divide between continuous speech and token-based language models. While existing acoustic codec models deliver impressive reconstruction quality, there is still considerable potential for enhancement in high bitrate compression and semantic depth.

Three key approaches have shaped recent advancements in acoustic codec models. The first approach focuses on improving reconstruction quality. Innovations like AudioDec have underscored the importance of discriminators, while DAC has elevated quality with techniques like quantizer dropout. The second approach centers on advanced compression methods, such as HiFi-Codec’s parallel GRVQ structure and Language-Codec’s MCRVQ mechanism, which achieve high performance with fewer quantizers. The third approach aims to deepen the understanding of codec space, with models like TiCodec capturing both time-independent and time-dependent information, and FACodec distinguishing between content, style, and acoustic details.

A breakthrough in this space comes from a collaborative effort by Zhejiang University, Alibaba Group, and Meta’s Fundamental AI Research. They have developed WavTokenizer, a pioneering acoustic codec model that significantly improves over previous state-of-the-art models.

WavTokenizer achieves extreme compression by minimizing both the layers of quantizers and the temporal dimension of the discrete codec, requiring only 40 or 75 tokens for one second of 24kHz audio. The model’s architecture features an expanded VQ space, longer contextual windows, enhanced attention networks, a powerful multi-scale discriminator, and an inverse Fourier transform structure, delivering exceptional performance across speech, audio, and music domains.

WavTokenizer’s architecture is engineered for unified modeling across multilingual speech, music, and audio domains. The large version of the model is trained on approximately 80,000 hours of data from various datasets, including LibriTTS, VCTK, and CommonVoice. A medium version uses a 5,000-hour subset, while the small version is trained on 585 hours of LibriTTS data. The model’s performance is rigorously tested against leading codec models using official weight files from frameworks like Encodec 2 and HiFi-Codec 3. Training is conducted on NVIDIA A800 80G GPUs with 24 kHz input samples, and the model is optimized using the AdamW optimizer, fine-tuned with specific learning rates and decay settings.

The results highlight WavTokenizer’s superior performance across various datasets and metrics. The WavTokenizer-small model notably surpasses the state-of-the-art DAC model by 0.15 on the UTMOS metric and the LibriTTS test-clean subset, closely aligning with human perceptions of audio quality. Moreover, the model outperforms DAC’s 100-token model across all metrics with just 40 and 75 tokens, showcasing its efficiency in audio reconstruction with a single quantizer. WavTokenizer also matches the performance of Vocos with four quantizers and SpeechTokenizer with eight quantizers on objective metrics such as STOI, PESQ, and F1 score.


The introduction of WavTokenizer signals a significant shift in the acoustic codec model market. Its ability to significantly enhance compression and maintain high audio quality positions it as a game-changer in the industry. This development could lead to more efficient and scalable solutions like speech synthesis, music generation, and other audio-related technologies. As WavTokenizer sets a new benchmark for performance and efficiency, companies that adopt this technology will likely gain a competitive edge in the market, driving further innovation and setting new standards across the industry.
