WiMi Hologram Cloud introduces AutoAIM, an innovative platform for Machine Learning integration into marketing


  • WiMi Hologram Cloud introduces AutoAIM, an innovative platform for Machine Learning (ML) in marketing.
  • AutoAIM leverages visual-based programming for intuitive ML integration into marketing campaigns.
  • The platform offers a real-time project repository, aiding learning, sharing, and reusing of workflows.
  • AutoAIM provides ML implementation suggestions based on data analysis and performance.
  • Users can seamlessly import marketing data, build customized workflows, and visualize results.
  • The platform’s impact includes improved collaboration, productivity, and ROI in marketing strategies.

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WiMi Hologram Cloud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI) is spearheading the forefront of innovation in the world of Hologram Augmented Reality (“AR”) Technology. In a monumental stride, the company has unveiled its latest marvel: the AutoAIM (Automatic Artificial Intelligence Marketing) analytical execution platform. This groundbreaking platform harnesses the power of visual-based programming to revolutionize the application and understanding of Machine Learning (ML) in the realm of marketing.

The AutoAIM platform embodies WiMi’s commitment to reshaping the landscape of marketing strategies. It introduces a novel approach to integrating ML into marketing campaigns, unveiling a real-time repository of projects that furnishes implementation recommendations tailored for marketing contexts. This repository serves as an educational hub where users can delve into, share, and reuse workflows, all presented through the lens of visual modular coding—a paradigm shift from traditional script-based interfaces.

The potency of WiMi’s AutoAIM resides in its prowess as a software tool founded on the bedrock of visual programming. This intuitive interface empowers users to construct and conceptualize ML projects seamlessly by dragging and connecting nodes. These nodes embody distinct functional components, ranging from data preprocessing and feature extraction to model selection and evaluation. The platform is underpinned by versatile ML frameworks, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and deep learning, allowing users to align their approach with their project requirements.

The orchestration of this technological symphony begins with importing and preparing marketing data. AutoAIM’s data preprocessing nodes facilitate seamless operations such as data filtering, feature selection, and transformation. Users can then seamlessly couple these nodes with the appropriate model node, where they can configure model parameters and hyperparameters, fine-tuning the very essence of their ML model. The execution of the ML project, culminating in results that can be observed and analyzed, marks the apex of this process. Visualizations and charts provided by AutoAIM serve as a lens through which users can glean insights from their models, fostering a deeper understanding of the outcomes.

Incorporating conceptual visual coding and the AutoAIM analytical platform bestows marketing teams with unparalleled flexibility and intuition. It liberates them from the shackles of intricate programming languages and algorithmic intricacies, propelling collaboration and productivity to new heights. With WiMi’s innovation, marketing teams can seamlessly construct, collaborate, and recalibrate workflows, redefining the pace of execution and development in marketing applications.

The AutoAIM platform’s transformative prowess is channeled through several key avenues:

  • Visual Programming: AutoAIM employs visual-based programming, an innovative approach that simplifies intricate ML algorithms into user-friendly graphical interfaces and drag-and-drop functionalities. This revolutionary approach empowers marketing professionals to materialize ML projects without the need for extensive programming knowledge. By amalgamating diverse modules through simple operations, users can dynamically construct and fine-tune their ML models.
  • Real-time Repository: This platform hosts a dynamic repository brimming with five annotated sample projects. Covering an array of domains, these projects span customer churn analysis, sentiment analysis, automated image scrutiny, search engine optimization, and enhancing customer experiences. This treasure trove of examples equips users with the insight to tailor ML applications to diverse marketing scenarios, fostering customization and augmentation.
  • Implementation Recommendations: Beyond its role as a project incubator, AutoAIM serves as a powerhouse of implementation recommendations. Rooted in data and algorithmic insights, the platform dispenses real-time feedback and suggestions. This enriches users’ marketing strategies and enhances the precision and impact of their ML models.
  • Workflow Sharing and Reuse: AutoAIM isn’t merely a solitary tool—it’s a collaborative ecosystem. Users can preserve, exchange, and repurpose workflows, cultivating a culture of shared knowledge and collective growth among marketing professionals. This synergy accelerates the integration and evolution of ML in marketing practices.

WiMi’s AutoAIM holds the reins to usher in a new era of growth and innovation within the AI marketing domain. By simplifying the creation and execution of ML programs, the platform empowers a wider cadre of marketing professionals to harness AI’s potential in augmenting the efficiency and efficacy of their campaigns. The journey has only begun; AutoAIM’s trajectory will be one of perpetual evolution and expansion, catering steadfastly to the pulse of market demands and advancing AI-driven marketing innovation.

WiMi’s technical maestros harnessed cutting-edge techniques and algorithms to forge the AutoAIM platform. A repository of algorithms and models, continually updated, fortifies the platform, ensuring users access the latest technologies to surmount marketing challenges. This platform stands as a beacon of flexibility, its architecture founded on distributed systems and cloud computing prowess, primed to grapple with massive data and intricate computational tasks. Its interoperability with diverse data sources and marketing instruments facilitates data importation, democratizing the infusion of machine learning into tangible marketing campaigns.

WiMi’s dedication extends beyond the present accomplishment, branching into the blossoming terrain of AI advertising and marketing markets. Presently, WiMi has harnessed the potency of AI and machine learning in marketing workflows. These workflows empower marketing professionals to concoct, share, and repurpose ML-driven projects with ease. The very fabric of this platform redefines how marketing experts interface with ML projects, proffering a visualization-driven approach. This, in turn, transmutes their strategies, elevating data utilization for personalized and precise campaigns.


WiMi’s AutoAIM platform is a game-changer for the AI marketing space. Its user-friendly visual programming approach unlocks the potential of machine learning in marketing, fostering better collaboration, efficiency, and innovation. The platform’s real-time repository and implementation recommendations further amplify its value proposition. This marks a pivotal step towards reshaping the future of marketing strategies, empowering professionals to harness the capabilities of AI and machine learning with unprecedented ease and effectiveness.
