Xi Jinping Urges Caution Amidst AI Competition: ChatGPT’s Success and China’s Challenges in AI Development


  • Xi Jinping emphasizes the importance of enhancing China’s AI capabilities to modernize the country’s industrial system amidst the intensifying competition with the US.
  • The US is also focused on AI development, and cybersecurity experts warn of the potential weaponization of generative AI.
  • Geoffrey Hinton warns that the pace of releasing new AI technologies could risk jobs and spread misinformation.
  • ChatGPT is considered AI’s “iPhone moment” and raises concerns about outcompeting human workers.
  • Several prominent Chinese firms have launched their own ChatGPT-like services, but China’s control over free speech and the US ban on advanced chips pose challenges to Chinese AI development.
  • The Cyberspace Administration of China introduces new rules requiring generative AI developers to undergo a security assessment to prevent violating China’s laws.
  • Striking a balance between innovation and the risks of rapidly developing new AI technologies is crucial in the competition between tech giants for AI dominance.

Main AI News:

Chinese President Xi Jinping has once again highlighted the significance of enhancing China’s capabilities in artificial intelligence (AI) as the race between China and the US in the AI and semiconductor sectors intensifies. Xi urged China to take advantage of its AI expertise to aid in the modernization of the country’s industrial system. During a meeting of the Central Commission for Financial and Economic Affairs, Xi stated that China must use the opportunities provided by technological breakthroughs, such as AI, to create a modern industrial system that is comprehensive, advanced, and harmless.

Xi’s emphasis on AI development comes as the US attempts to slow down China’s progress in the sector by limiting the export of advanced semiconductors, which are essential in training sophisticated AI models. To gain an advantage in future development and international competition, Xi believes that it is critical for China to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy.

The US government is also focused on AI development, with President Joe Biden recently meeting with CEOs of top AI companies to ensure the safety of their products before public deployment. Meanwhile, Chinese leaders concluded during a Politburo meeting that China must prioritize the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) while also considering the potential risks involved. This is the first time that Beijing has mentioned AGI in a Politburo statement, which indicates China’s mixed signals about where it stands on advanced AI technology.

Geoffrey Hinton, a renowned computer scientist known as one of the “godfathers of AI,” recently warned that the intense competition among tech giants to release new AI technologies is happening at a dangerous pace, with the potential to put jobs at risk and spread misinformation. Cybersecurity experts have also expressed concern that generative AI, such as ChatGPT, could be weaponized in a cybersecurity arms race, paving the way for scammers to exploit this technology.

ChatGPT, an AI chatbot created by Microsoft-supported OpenAI, is considered the most significant AI breakthrough of the past decade, with many regarding it as AI’s “iPhone moment.” Its ability to understand human language and perform a wide range of white-collar tasks has raised fears that AI could soon outcompete human workers. In China, ChatGPT-style services have become a hot topic among entrepreneurs, start-ups, and tech giants.

Several prominent Chinese firms, including e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding, search engine leader Baidu, gaming firm NetEase, and AI company SenseTime, have all launched their own ChatGPT-like services. However, China’s stringent control over free speech and the US ban on China buying advanced chips pose significant obstacles to Chinese AI development.

The Cyberspace Administration of China, the country’s internet watchdog, has recently introduced new rules requiring generative AI developers to undergo a security assessment before their products can be made available to the public. This is intended to prevent content that violates China’s laws, such as discussions of regime subversion, violence, or pornography, from being disseminated.

As the competition between tech giants for AI dominance continues to intensify, it is crucial to strike a balance between innovation and the potential risks that come with rapidly developing new AI technologies.


The race for AI dominance between China and the US poses significant challenges and opportunities for the global market. As these two superpowers continue to invest heavily in AI development, the emergence of ChatGPT as the most significant AI breakthrough of the past decade highlights the potential of generative AI. However, concerns about the pace of AI technology development, potential job losses, and the weaponization of AI technology underscore the need for caution. The competition between China and the US in the AI sector will continue to shape the global market, and businesses must navigate these developments while balancing innovation with risk management.
