Zoom’s Reassurance: No Customer Content for AI Training


  • Zoom revises terms of service after backlash on AI training.
  • Initially, terms appeared to allow customer data for AI models.
  • New terms explicitly state no use of customer content for AI training.
  • Problematic section 10 in terms updated to remove ambiguity.
  • Company emphasizes commitment to data privacy and transparency.

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In a swift turnaround, Zoom has responded to recent controversies by revising its terms of service, explicitly addressing concerns about the utilization of customer data for AI training. The platform’s initial phrasing had raised eyebrows, as it seemingly allowed for the extensive use of customer information to fuel AI models. This sparked a significant backlash, prompting Zoom to reevaluate its approach.

The revised terms of service now unequivocally state that Zoom will refrain from employing consumer data originating from Zoom or third-party sources to train its AI models. The earlier stipulation, which referred to “customer consent,” was met with skepticism, given the ambiguous nature of consent within the context of joining a call and interacting with pop-up notifications.

The updated terms of service, announced in a recent blog post, provide a clear outline of Zoom’s stance. The platform firmly asserts that it will not utilize any audio, video, chat logs, screen-sharing content, attachments, or other forms of communication, including customer-generated content like poll results and whiteboard interactions, to facilitate AI training. The contentious section 10 of Zoom’s terms, which deals with AI and consumer data, has been overhauled to reflect this commitment.

The revised wording of section 10 underscores Zoom’s commitment to data privacy and AI ethics. It categorically states that neither customer-generated content nor any communication type will be utilized in the training of Zoom’s proprietary AI models or those of third parties. The previous inclusion of “without customer consent” had been a point of contention, potentially enabling data harvesting under circumstances where users’ choices were limited.

Zoom’s spokesperson, Hashim, elaborated on the changes in a revamped blog post. “We’ve taken concrete steps to reinforce our dedication to data security and privacy,” Hashim emphasized. He further noted that the updated terms of service, specifically within section 10, clearly articulate the company’s non-utilization policy. This commitment extends to in-product notices as well, ensuring that users are consistently informed about these protective measures.


Zoom’s swift response to user concerns and the subsequent revision of its terms of service reflects the company’s commitment to data security and privacy. The clarification eliminates ambiguity around the use of customer content for AI training, enhancing user trust. This move underscores the evolving landscape of AI ethics and transparency, setting a positive example for the market and emphasizing the importance of aligning AI practices with user expectations.
