AdTheorent introduces Point, a suite of geo-intelligence solutions driven by machine learning

  • AdTheorent introduces Point, a suite of machine learning-powered geo-intelligence solutions for advertisers.
  • Point offers advanced capabilities like Point of Interest (POI) targeting with access to 29 million consumer-centric POIs.
  • Advertisers can leverage precise location data for omnichannel geo-targeting and POI retargeting.
  • AdTheorent’s predictive audiences and custom machine learning KPI models ensure campaign success.
  • Point provides comprehensive visitation reporting, including granular data by individual POI locations.

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AdTheorent Holding Company, Inc., renowned for its innovative approach to machine learning and commitment to privacy-centric strategies, proudly introduces Point. This groundbreaking suite represents a leap forward in harnessing the power of machine learning to enhance real-world visitation performance for advertisers. Seamlessly integrated into the AdTheorent platform, Point offers advertisers a comprehensive solution for activating, optimizing, and measuring the effectiveness of their advertising endeavors.

Point leverages unparalleled geo capabilities empowered by the most advanced machine learning infrastructure in the industry: 

  • AdTheorent’s Point of Interest (POI) Capability: Empowering advanced location targeting through points of interest, AdTheorent boasts access to over 29 million consumer-centric POIs spanning across more than 17,000 business categories. From shops to dining, recreation to transportation, AdTheorent’s POI capability is seamlessly integrated into the platform, allowing users to target highly customized POI sets with ease.
  • Point’s Targeting Suite, Driven by Machine Learning: With Point, advertisers can leverage precise location data in unprecedented ways, including: 
  • Omnichannel Geo-Targeting: Precise targeting by country, state, city, DMA, or zip code ensures ads are served to the most promising prospects within specified geographies, as determined by AdTheorent’s predictive models. 
  • POI Location Targeting and Retargeting: Reach customers near a brand’s location or those who have recently visited a brand or competitor within customizable timeframes. • AdTheorent Predictive Audiences: Incorporating proprietary visitation patterns into advanced audience quality algorithms for highly targeted campaigns. 
  • Custom Machine Learning KPI Models: Performance models built on visitation and location data guarantee the achievement of key client KPIs such as visits and cost per visit. 
  • Point’s Visitation Reporting: AdTheorent offers comprehensive visitation reporting, including deterministic metrics like total visits, visitation rate, cost per visit, standard visitation lift, and incremental lift. Unlike other solutions, AdTheorent provides granular visitation data by individual POI locations or nationally.

AdTheorent’s Point represents a paradigm shift in geo-intelligence solutions, offering advertisers an array of applications for location-based data,” commented Jim Lawson, CEO of AdTheorent. “Powered by our proprietary machine learning technology, Point not only drives superior performance but also opens up new avenues for advertisers to engage their target audiences effectively.”


AdTheorent’s launch of Point signifies a significant advancement in geo-intelligence solutions for advertisers. With its robust machine learning capabilities and precise targeting options, Point offers advertisers unprecedented control and effectiveness in reaching their target audiences. This innovation is poised to reshape the advertising market, providing advertisers with the tools they need to drive real-world visitation and maximize the impact of their campaigns.
