BBVA’s Strategic Leap: Partnering with OpenAI to Pioneer AI Adoption in Banking

  • BBVA partners with OpenAI, becoming the first European bank to collaborate with the renowned AI research organization.
  • Deployment of 3,000 ChatGPT Enterprise licenses among BBVA employees to enhance productivity and foster innovation.
  • OpenAI commits to providing training and updates for its language models, ensuring BBVA remains at the forefront of AI innovation.
  • BBVA’s extensive network of AI Factories demonstrates its commitment to leveraging data and technology for transformation.
  • Ricardo Martín Manjón emphasizes the transformative potential of generative AI in enhancing customer experiences and driving business outcomes.
  • Brad Lightcap underscores the scalability of ChatGPT Enterprise in augmenting productivity and fostering creativity within BBVA.
  • Elena Alfaro leads BBVA’s efforts to mainstream AI technologies while ensuring they complement human capabilities.
  • BBVA’s collaboration with OpenAI reflects its commitment to shaping the future of banking through AI innovation.

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In a move signaling its commitment to cutting-edge technology, BBVA has announced a groundbreaking agreement with OpenAI, marking the first collaboration of its kind between a European bank and the renowned AI research organization.

This strategic partnership underscores BBVA’s proactive stance in adopting disruptive technologies poised to revolutionize the financial landscape. By teaming up with OpenAI, BBVA aims to leverage the vast potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and foster innovation across its operations.

Central to this collaboration is the deployment of 3,000 ChatGPT Enterprise licenses among BBVA’s workforce. These licenses empower employees with advanced AI capabilities, enabling them to generate content, tackle complex business queries, and drive efficiency with unparalleled security and privacy features.

OpenAI’s commitment extends beyond providing access to its cutting-edge language models. The organization will deliver comprehensive training and continuous updates, ensuring BBVA remains at the forefront of AI innovation.

BBVA’s dedication to harnessing data and technology as transformational tools is evident in its extensive network of AI Factories, specialized centers dedicated to advanced analytics and AI development. With over 5,000 employees, including a significant cohort of data scientists, BBVA is well-positioned to unlock the value of AI across its business spectrum.

Ricardo Martín Manjón, Global Head of Data at BBVA, emphasizes the transformative potential of generative AI in enhancing customer experiences and driving business outcomes. By embracing AI responsibly, BBVA seeks to pioneer innovative solutions that resonate with customers while nurturing a culture of creativity among its workforce.

Brad Lightcap, COO of OpenAI, highlights the scalability of ChatGPT Enterprise in augmenting productivity and fostering creativity within BBVA. The widespread adoption of AI tools promises to streamline operations and empower employees across departments.

Under the leadership of Elena Alfaro, Head of AI Adoption, BBVA is committed to mainstreaming AI technologies while ensuring they complement and enhance human capabilities. The rollout of ChatGPT Enterprise represents just the beginning of BBVA’s AI journey, with plans to explore additional solutions tailored to diverse use cases.

As BBVA continues to innovate and evolve, its collaboration with OpenAI stands as a testament to its unwavering commitment to leveraging AI for the benefit of customers, employees, and the broader financial ecosystem. Through strategic partnerships and a forward-thinking approach, BBVA is poised to shape the future of banking through the transformative power of artificial intelligence.


BBVA’s partnership with OpenAI signifies a significant step forward in the banking industry’s adoption of AI technologies. By leveraging advanced AI capabilities, BBVA aims to enhance customer experiences, drive operational efficiency, and foster a culture of innovation. This strategic collaboration underscores the growing importance of AI in reshaping the financial landscape, with BBVA poised to lead the way in harnessing the transformative power of artificial intelligence.


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