BT Ramps Up AI Usage to Combat Hacking Threats against Business Clients

  • BT intensifies AI usage to counter escalating cyber threats targeting business clientele.
  • A £10.5 billion investment underscores BT’s commitment to fortify defenses against online malefactors.
  • Eagle-i, BT’s proprietary AI technology, empowers proactive threat detection and bespoke security recommendations.
  • AI-driven network diagnostics expedite fault resolution, enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Despite mounting technological disruptions, businesses continue to invest in tech to boost productivity and gain competitive advantage.
  • BT’s strategic shift towards AI-driven automation aims to replace 10,000 jobs by 2030.

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In response to the escalating onslaught of cyber attacks targeting businesses, BT reveals a strategic pivot towards leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to fortify its defenses and safeguard its clientele. With relentless assaults on corporate entities becoming the new norm, the £10.5 billion conglomerate is steadfastly dedicated to bolstering its capacity to shield clients from online malefactors. BT’s arsenal includes cutting-edge patented AI technology meticulously engineered to scrutinize and thwart nefarious incursions into clients’ digital ecosystems.

British enterprises find themselves besieged by a barrage of hacking endeavors, with prominent casualties such as Capita, Royal Mail, and British Airways bearing testimony to the pervasive threat. Against this backdrop, BT has emerged as a bastion of resilience, boasting a formidable repository of 725 AI-related patents and patent applications across Europe, the US, and China.

Bas Burger, CEO of BT Business, underscores the pivotal role of AI in their defensive stratagem, emphasizing the wealth of actionable insights gleaned from analyzing attack data. “We have all this data around when criminals try to attack, such as time of day, what type of attack, and we have suppliers to help us with the information… all data we enrich and then we have a piece of AI running across it,” elucidates Burger. Central to BT’s defensive architecture is Eagle-i, a sophisticated AI platform deployed to proactively identify vulnerabilities and recommend bespoke security protocols, thereby preempting future threats.

Beyond fortifying its client’s digital ramparts, BT harnesses AI prowess to optimize network diagnostics and troubleshooting, expediting fault resolution and enhancing operational efficiency. Burger underscores the imperative for businesses to navigate the tumultuous seas of technological disruption, citing a recent survey revealing that 86% of executives perceive technology as a significant stressor amidst endeavors to modernize operations. Despite mounting apprehensions, businesses are doubling down on tech investments, with 88% earmarking funds to bolster productivity and gain competitive edge.

The pace of technological change has ignited a confluence of excitement and trepidation among business leaders,” observes Burger, analogizing the endeavor to overhauling an aircraft engine mid-flight. In a bid to streamline operations and remain at the vanguard of innovation, BT is spearheading a transformative initiative, slated to replace 10,000 jobs with AI-driven automation by 2030.

As BT prepares to unveil its annual financial report, analysts anticipate underlying profits to hover just below the £8 billion mark, underscoring the company’s unwavering commitment to harnessing AI as a linchpin of its strategic vision.


BT’s proactive embrace of AI heralds a paradigm shift in cybersecurity, with implications extending beyond its own operations. As businesses grapple with mounting cyber threats amidst a rapidly evolving technological landscape, BT’s strategic pivot underscores the imperative for enterprises to adopt AI-driven solutions to fortify their digital ramparts and navigate the complexities of the modern business environment.
