Can Artificial Intelligence Revolutionize Oncology Practice?


  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining significant attention and OpenAI’s ChatGPT has sparked enthusiasm for AI’s potential.
  • AI could enhance radiologists’ abilities by improving scan interpretation and reducing false-positive and false-negative results.
  • In the era of targeted therapies, AI could aid in identifying biomarkers for personalized treatments.
  • AI has the potential to revolutionize remote patient monitoring through wearable devices, benefiting those on bispecific antibodies or undergoing chemotherapy.
  • AI-powered robots could assist surgeons, enabling greater precision and accuracy.
  • Chatbots can summarize physician-patient visits and help physicians with diagnostic challenges.
  • AI has vast untapped potential in various aspects of medicine, including oncology.

Main AI News:

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is hard to ignore. While AI has been woven into our lives for some time, the recent introduction of OpenAI’s online chatbot, ChatGPT, on November 30, 2022, has generated a wave of excitement regarding its potential to enhance our existence. If you haven’t experienced ChatGPT yet, you’re in the minority. With an estimated 25 million daily visitors to the ChatGPT website, it’s clear that its influence is rapidly spreading. OpenAI has received a staggering $10 billion investment from Microsoft, while Google plans to incorporate conversational AI into its search engine. In the field of medicine, the renowned New England Journal of Medicine is even preparing to launch NEJM AI, an online journal dedicated to exploring cutting-edge applications of AI in clinical medicine.

But what exactly can AI offer to physicians at large, and specifically to hematologists/oncologists? To shed light on this question, I consulted ChatGPT itself.

Firstly, AI holds the potential to enhance the capabilities of radiologists by facilitating more accurate interpretation of scans and reducing the incidence of false-positive and false-negative results. This breakthrough could significantly improve the detection of malignant tumors in imaging studies. Secondly, in the era of targeted therapies, AI algorithms could play a pivotal role in identifying crucial biomarkers, aiding physicians in selecting the most appropriate treatments for their patients.

Thirdly, AI possesses the ability to revolutionize remote patient monitoring through the interpretation of data obtained from wearable devices. This invaluable feature will prove especially indispensable as the use of bispecific antibodies becomes more prevalent, necessitating meticulous monitoring of the patient’s vital signs for any indications of cytokine release syndrome. Furthermore, it will also provide substantial support to individuals undergoing conventional chemotherapy.

Fourthly, the emergence of AI-powered robots brings forth the possibility of assisting surgeons during operations, thus enabling an unprecedented level of precision and accuracy. The potential benefits of this collaboration between humans and machines are immense. Fifthly, chatbots have the potential to listen in on physician-patient interactions and autonomously generate concise notes summarizing the content of the visit.

Finally, chatbots have already demonstrated their utility in aiding physicians in tackling complex diagnostic challenges posed by patients. For instance, when presented with a case involving a patient reporting blisters on the back of her hands, ChatGPT successfully generated a comprehensive list of six potential conditions to consider (although it did not include porphyria cutanea tarda, which was the initial suspicion).

Undoubtedly, there are countless other tasks where AI could prove instrumental in assisting physicians. In fact, this entire article on the subject of AI in oncology could have been effortlessly composed by ChatGPT in a mere 10 seconds. I personally put it to the test, and the results were remarkable. However, publishing that version would be nothing short of cheating.

The potential of AI to revolutionize the field of oncology is immense. As technology continues to advance, it holds the promise of transforming the way physicians practice medicine, improving patient outcomes, and driving innovation forward. The future of AI in oncology is bright, and the possibilities are limitless.


The integration of AI into oncology practice holds tremendous promise. It can improve the accuracy of scan interpretations, aid in treatment selection, enhance remote monitoring, assist in surgical procedures, and support physicians in diagnosis. This transformative technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare market, paving the way for more efficient and precise oncology practices, better patient outcomes, and advancements in medical innovation. Businesses in the healthcare and AI sectors should recognize and capitalize on the opportunities arising from this transformative technology.
