EPFL inaugurates its AI Center, focusing on AI’s potential in diverse societal sectors


  • EPFL launched its AI Center, which is dedicated to exploring the potential of AI across various sectors.
  • The center aims to foster a collaborative environment for multidisciplinary AI research and innovation.
  • Co-directed by Professors Pascal Frossard and Marcel Salathé, it aspires to be a nexus for AI development.
  • EPFL AI Center coordinates educational initiatives and the flagship Applied Machine Learning Days event.
  • The center aligns with global efforts to address AI risks and offers updates on its progress through a dedicated website.

Main AI News:

The Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) has unveiled its groundbreaking AI Center, setting the stage for Switzerland’s foray into the realm of artificial intelligence. This visionary hub is dedicated to exploring the boundless potential of safe and effective AI across a spectrum of societal sectors, propelling technological innovation to new heights.

Positioned at the vanguard of AI research and application, the EPFL AI Center leverages the vast expertise and research capabilities of the institution’s esteemed faculty. It is unwavering in its commitment to foster a collaborative ecosystem, igniting multidisciplinary engagement in AI research, education, and innovation. This bold approach seeks to unite a diverse community of visionaries, comprised of scientists, engineers, and practitioners, all driven by the pursuit of revolutionary AI breakthroughs.

Steering this ambitious endeavor are EPFL Professors Pascal Frossard, representing the School of Engineering (STI), and Marcel Salathé, who hails from the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) and the School of Life Sciences (SV). Together, they envision the Center as a pivotal hub for AI development and application. Pascal Frossard eloquently states, “AI’s profound impact on every facet of life, from science to education, necessitates a collaborative and nimble approach. This will enable us to harness AI’s potential responsibly and productively, enriching the lives of individuals, communities, institutions, and society as a whole.

In addition to spearheading pioneering research, the EPFL AI Center will orchestrate a myriad of AI-related initiatives. These encompass educational and strategic endeavors, as well as the institution’s flagship event, the Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD), which stands as a cornerstone for AI collaboration with industry and the public sector. Marcel Salathé underscores the significance of AMLD, remarking, “AMLD serves as the epicenter of our AI collaboration, aligning with global endeavors to comprehend and mitigate AI-associated risks.

In alignment with global initiatives such as the “Bletchley Declaration,” wherein 25 countries, including Switzerland, commit to addressing AI risks and formulating cross-country policies, the EPFL AI Center is poised to identify and mitigate potential AI challenges. In the forthcoming months, the Center will offer regular updates on its progress and developments, which will be accessible via its dedicated website. These updates are designed to provide transparency and valuable insights into the Center’s evolution and its profound contributions to the field of AI.


The establishment of EPFL’s AI Center marks a significant development in the Swiss AI landscape. It represents a strategic move towards harnessing AI’s transformative potential in various sectors. The commitment to collaboration and responsible AI usage positions Switzerland as a key player in the global AI landscape, attracting talent, investments and fostering innovation. This initiative holds the promise of driving AI-driven advancements that will benefit not only the Swiss market but also the international AI community.
