Genentech partners with NVIDIA to leverage generative AI for drug discovery


  • Genentech and NVIDIA collaborate to accelerate drug discovery using generative AI.
  • NVIDIA’s DGX Cloud will support Genentech’s proprietary algorithms.
  • Genentech plans to utilize NVIDIA BioNeMo for scalable generative AI applications in drug discovery.
  • The collaboration aims to optimize drug discovery AI models and disrupt the drug development process.
  • Genentech’s “lab in a loop” framework will be enhanced by NVIDIA’s expertise.
  • This partnership promises to transform drug discovery and development, making it more efficient and successful.

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In a groundbreaking collaboration, Genentech, a leading member of the Roche Group, is harnessing the power of generative AI to reshape the landscape of therapeutic discovery and delivery. This partnership, forged with NVIDIA, promises to usher in a new era of medicine by uniting the expertise of both organizations to optimize and expedite Genentech’s proprietary algorithms.

NVIDIA will leverage its AI supercomputing capabilities through the NVIDIA DGX Cloud, providing dedicated instances and cutting-edge software. Genentech will employ NVIDIA BioNeMo, a domain-specific platform tailored for computational drug discovery. This innovative solution simplifies, accelerates, and scales generative AI applications, enabling researchers to pretrain or fine-tune state-of-the-art models.

The initial focus of this collaboration will be the optimization of Genentech’s drug discovery AI models within its “lab in a loop” framework. The ultimate goal is to empower researchers to unravel complex biomolecular patterns, to revolutionize drug development and to enhance the success rate of R&D. This partnership aims to deliver multiplicative benefits for patients and the broader healthcare ecosystem rather than merely linear or additive progress.

Aviv Regev, Executive Vice President and Head of Genentech Research & Early Development, emphasized the historical significance of their technological innovations. “We pioneered antibody therapeutics and brought AI, the lab, and the clinic together to uncover otherwise inaccessible patterns in vast quantities of data,” said Regev. “Collaborating with NVIDIA and introducing generative AI has the power to turbocharge the discovery and design of therapeutics that will improve the lives of patients across the world.”

Streamlining Drug Discovery Through Computational Advancements

The current drug discovery and development process is characterized by its lengthiness, complexity, and exorbitant costs. Identifying drug targets and successfully developing potential therapeutics pose significant challenges. AI, with its generative and other models, has the potential to revolutionize this field by swiftly identifying potential drug molecules and interactions through large-scale dataset analysis.

Genentech has already made significant strides in employing AI to enhance its R&D efforts, unlocking insights about the fundamentals of biology and diseases. This partnership with NVIDIA aims to further optimize Genentech’s custom-developed models, expediting drug discovery and increasing the likelihood of success.

Introducing AI into the Loop

Genentech’s “lab in a loop” framework is an iterative approach that combines experimental data with generative computational models to enhance molecular designs with predicted properties. NVIDIA will play a pivotal role in accelerating the training and inference processes of Genentech’s drug discovery models, optimizing the entire framework.

Through this collaboration, NVIDIA AI experts will gain invaluable insights into the unique challenges of drug discovery and development. These insights will be channeled into enhancing the BioNeMo platform and other NVIDIA offerings to better cater to the needs of the biotech industry.

Kimberly Powell, Vice President of Healthcare at NVIDIA, underlined the transformative potential of AI in drug discovery, stating, “Together, NVIDIA and Genentech are unlocking scientific innovation by developing and implementing AI models and algorithms that enable us to rapidly iterate and unearth insights.” This partnership is poised to reshape the future of medicine, offering new hope to patients worldwide.


The collaboration between Genentech and NVIDIA represents a significant step forward in the field of drug discovery. By harnessing the power of generative AI and optimizing AI models, they aim to accelerate research and development, potentially reducing the time and cost associated with bringing new therapeutics to market. This partnership highlights the increasing importance of AI in healthcare and signals a shift towards more efficient and innovative approaches in the pharmaceutical industry.
