Israeli news anchors launch ACT News, the world’s first fully AI-powered news network on TikTok


  • Israeli news anchors launch the world’s first AI-powered news network on TikTok.
  • ACT News features AI-generated avatars of veteran journalists providing insights in multiple languages.
  • Concerns have been raised over AI’s accuracy, transparency, and ethics in news reporting.
  • The network plans to expand to eight languages and revolutionize news production.
  • ACT News aims to focus on positive news stories and attract global investment.

Main AI News:

A groundbreaking development is taking the news industry by storm, as Israeli anchors venture into uncharted territory with the world’s first fully AI-powered news network on TikTok. This innovative platform, aptly named ACT News, boasts an impressive lineup of digital anchors, led by the esteemed journalist Miri Michaeli, formerly associated with Channel 13 news. Joining her is the seasoned Channel 12 political reporter and analyst, Amit Segal, who now appears as an AI-generated avatar, delivering insights in multiple languages.

The digital clones of Segal and Michaeli are remarkably convincing, despite slight discrepancies in lip movements and the distinct AI-generated voices that set them apart from their real-life counterparts. In a testament to its allure, casual viewers might mistake these AI-driven videos for genuine recordings.

ACT News has been brought to life through the vision of Miri Michaeli and the expertise of political operative Moshe Klughaft, who has spearheaded the initiative. While it currently boasts a modest following of fewer than 20,000 on TikTok, the organization has already garnered an impressive 40 million views worldwide, although it candidly disclosed that it paid to promote a limited number of clips on the platform, boosting its viewership.

Nonetheless, the use of AI in newsrooms has sparked heated debate, with concerns raised by journalism watchdogs over accuracy, transparency, and ethical implications. Generative AI tools like Google’s ChatGPT, though powerful, have raised red flags due to their potential to disseminate undetected falsehoods to unsuspecting news consumers. These concerns are magnified when content is produced in foreign languages, where inaccuracies may proliferate unnoticed.

Moreover, AI-based systems are under scrutiny for mining vast public online data, potentially leading to allegations of plagiarism if presented as original works. Addressing these concerns, ACT News assures viewers that Segal and Michaeli will diligently approve all AI-generated texts spoken on air by their digital clones, ensuring accuracy and credibility. However, critics argue that such a model, akin to scripts written for senior anchors, may result in job cuts for reporting and writing staff.

Despite initial videos following traditional production methods, ACT News is now taking a bold step into the future, adopting full AI-generated content for all its upcoming clips. This ambitious endeavor, driven by Miri Michaeli’s aspiration to report from multiple locations simultaneously, is set to revolutionize journalism worldwide, extending its possibilities to journalists everywhere.

The network plans to deliver news clips in eight languages, although it has only mentioned English, Spanish, and German for now. Additionally, ACT News’ Hebrew TikTok account has already been launched, laying the foundation for a broader multilingual reach.

While some videos from the network’s TikTok page have been deleted, the network’s spokesperson is actively working with TikTok to restore them. Among the deleted videos were segments touching on sensitive subjects, from political stances to terror attacks, each generating its fair share of public reactions.

Klughaft, one of the masterminds behind ACT News, envisions this AI technology as a means to liberate reporters, allowing them to focus on the core tenets of journalism, such as investigations, exposés, exclusive stories, and personal interviews. Moreover, the network claims that implementing AI technology will significantly reduce costs for media companies worldwide, paving the way for a new era in journalism.

ACT News is undoubtedly making headlines of its own, attracting investors who have valued the company at an impressive $7.5 million. As it prepares for a second round of investments, the network is in talks to feature AI versions of esteemed US and UK news anchors and to expand its roster with additional Israeli personalities.


The emergence of ACT News and its AI-powered news network signifies a significant shift in the news broadcasting market. While the innovative platform promises to provide news in multiple languages and captivate a broader audience on TikTok, there are valid concerns about AI’s potential impact on accuracy and ethics in journalism. As media companies worldwide explore cost-effective alternatives for content creation, the success of ACT News could lead to a transformation in the way news is delivered and consumed, prompting further investment and development in AI-driven news networks.
