Mattermost Launches Mattermost Copilot: Enabling AI-Driven Workflows for Critical Infrastructure Enterprises

  • Mattermost introduces Mattermost Copilot, an AI solution tailored for government, defense, and vital service organizations.
  • Copilot integrates large language model (LLM) capabilities into Mattermost collaboration environments.
  • Addresses concerns about security and compliance by allowing full data control and GDPR compliance.
  • Offers benefits such as accelerated workflows, customizable AI experiences, and multi-LLM support.
  • Available features include flexible AI backend choices, AI call summaries, and seamless integration with various LLMs.

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Mattermost self-hosted collaboration platform introduces “Bring-Your-Own-LLM” to empower AI-driven workflows while ensuring 100% data control for critical infrastructure enterprises. Mattermost, a leading provider of secure, self-hosted collaboration solutions for critical infrastructure, has unveiled Mattermost Copilot, an integrated AI solution tailored for government, defense, and essential service organizations bound by stringent security and compliance standards. Mattermost Copilot enables users to seamlessly integrate the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) compatible with the OpenAI API standard directly into their Mattermost collaboration environment. This integration facilitates the extraction of actionable insights from collaboration data, encompassing chats, calls, automation, and third-party tools.

In the wake of the proliferation of commercially available AI tools, the launch of Mattermost Copilot assumes significance. A recent study by Cisco has highlighted cybersecurity concerns as a major impediment to the widespread adoption of GenAI technology, with 69% of enterprises expressing apprehensions regarding the potential disclosure of sensitive information to competitors, adversaries, or the public. Mattermost Copilot addresses these apprehensions by extending the flexible AI deployment capabilities of its communication suite, thereby enhancing workflows, boosting efficiency, and enabling teams to operate with greater agility.

Ian Tien, the founder and CEO of Mattermost, emphasized the significance of applying AI to collaboration within mission-critical environments. He stated, “Defense, government, and critical infrastructure enterprises have long been underserved by generations of incompatible, one-off communications systems that cost billions in lost productivity annually.” Tien further added, “Applying AI to collaboration in these mission-critical environments enables urgently needed transformation and acceleration. We’re excited to announce powerful new capabilities to support this journey while enabling our customers to maintain full control of data and systems.”

Despite the potential of commercial AI interfaces to enhance productivity and drive business outcomes, they often necessitate the exposure of proprietary data to public LLMs, thereby introducing security and compliance risks. With Mattermost Copilot, organizations subject to security, regulatory, legal, and sovereignty requirements can fully leverage AI platforms while ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations, including GDPR under Schrems II. Compatible with any large language model such as ChatGPT or Anthropic, Mattermost provides the flexibility of external processing or the security of a self-hosted LLM.

Key benefits of implementing Mattermost Copilot include:

  • Complete data sovereignty: Mattermost ensures verified data control, safeguarding proprietary data within the organization’s control.
  • Accelerated workflows with actionable insights: Copilot synthesizes collaboration data into context-rich, actionable insights, enabling teams to focus on essential tasks.
  • Customizable workflows: Mattermost’s “bring-your-own-LLM” model allows organizations to tailor the AI experience to their team’s requirements, facilitating the use of multiple LLM bots simultaneously.

AI Copilot is now available as part of the latest Mattermost platform release, offering:

  • Flexible AI backend choices: Integrate with external LLMs like ChatGPT or host your own LLMs for maximum data protection.
  • Multi-LLM support: Deploy multiple AI bots to enhance user interaction and enable diverse functionalities without leaving the Mattermost environment.
  • AI call summaries: Utilize AI to summarize call content, highlighting important points and required actions.
  • Seamless integration: Mattermost provides a robust framework for seamless integration with various LLMs, enriching enterprise communication with advanced AI capabilities.


The launch of Mattermost Copilot signifies a pivotal step towards integrating AI-driven workflows into critical infrastructure enterprises. By addressing concerns around data control, security, and compliance, Mattermost is poised to capture a significant market share in sectors such as government, defense, and essential services. The customizable nature of Copilot, along with its diverse functionalities and seamless integration, positions Mattermost as a leader in enabling AI-accelerated workflows for mission-critical environments.
