Microsoft’s Strategic Move: Relocating Top AI Experts from China to Canada


  • Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) is shifting its best AI researchers from China to Canada, affecting 20 to 40 staff members.
  • The move, known as the “Vancouver Plan,” is a response to US-China tensions and aims to prevent talent poaching by Chinese tech groups.
  • Microsoft is establishing a new lab in Vancouver, staffed by experts from around the world, to enhance collaboration with local engineering teams.
  • Researchers from MSRA are opting for Canadian visas to avoid potential harassment and talent poaching in China.
  • MSRA has been a vital training center for Chinese tech talent, contributing significantly to the country’s AI ecosystem.
  • China’s efforts to attract overseas researchers through grants and teaching positions may face challenges with the relocation of MSRA’s experts.
  • Microsoft’s success in China, where it has popular localized products, contrasts with the struggles of other Western tech companies.
  • LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft, recently laid off staff in China and closed its InCareer job application site.
  • Deteriorating US-China relations and increased scrutiny limit collaboration between MSRA and Western institutions.

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In a significant strategic shift, Microsoft is making a bold move that could have far-reaching consequences for China’s technology landscape. The renowned Beijing-based Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) is actively pursuing the relocation of its most talented artificial intelligence (AI) researchers from China to Canada. This audacious initiative, internally referred to as the “Vancouver Plan,” entails transferring these top-notch professionals to the company’s Vancouver institute. While the precise number of individuals affected remains uncertain, estimates suggest that anywhere between 20 and 40 experts could be involved.

This momentous decision by Microsoft comes amidst heightened political tensions between the United States and China, adding another layer of complexity to an already intricate situation. Additionally, the move serves as a defensive measure, aiming to safeguard the company’s exceptional talent from being poached by domestic tech groups eagerly vying for AI researchers capable of developing localized versions of OpenAI’s groundbreaking ChatGPT. By establishing a new lab in Vancouver, staffed by a diverse array of experts from around the world, Microsoft hopes to create a stimulating environment that facilitates fruitful collaborations with its Vancouver-based engineering teams.

Microsoft responded to these reports, clarifying that the earlier figures were inaccurate and that there is no officially designated “Vancouver Plan.” The company emphasized its commitment to establishing a new lab in Vancouver, which will align organizationally with MSRA and foster enhanced engagement with the engineering teams located there. This lab will draw upon the expertise of researchers from other Microsoft Research (MSR) labs worldwide, including those in China.

The allure of Canadian visas appears to have resonated strongly with MSRA researchers, as some have already received enticing job offers from prominent Chinese internet companies. However, in a notable twist, these researchers have opted to decline these offers and are actively pursuing Canadian visas instead. Their motivations are rooted in concerns about talent poaching by Chinese firms, as well as potential harassment by authorities. These risks have been thoroughly discussed in internal meetings, reflecting the gravity of the situation and the need for proactive measures to protect the valuable expertise cultivated by MSRA.

The decision to relocate top AI researchers is not without its challenges. Beijing has been striving to entice high-tech Chinese researchers working overseas to return to the mainland through generous grants and prestigious teaching positions. MSRA, under the leadership of Taiwanese computer scientist Lee Kai-Fu, has played a pivotal role as a training center for China’s tech talent. Its esteemed alumni roster includes luminaries such as Wang Jian, the chief technology officer of Alibaba; Xu Li, CEO of SenseTime; and Yin Qi, the head of the AI group Megvii. MSRA’s contributions to the field of AI have been nothing short of extraordinary, as acknowledged by industry insiders who commend its longstanding presence and the invaluable support it has offered to Chinese tech companies, thereby bolstering China’s overall AI ecosystem.

For Microsoft, China has been a crucial market for over three decades. The company has maintained a robust presence in the country, even as other Western tech giants like Google, eBay, Facebook, and Uber have encountered fierce competition or regulatory obstacles. Microsoft’s success in China is evident through the popularity of its localized products, including the widely used Office and Windows software packages, as well as the Bing search engine. A September WeChat post indicated that Microsoft employed over 9,000 individuals in China, with more than 80% of them working as software engineers or in research and development. Furthermore, the company announced plans to hire an additional 1,000 staff members in the country. However, if tensions between Beijing and Washington continue to escalate, Microsoft may face the prospect of relocating a significant portion of its engineering talent out of China.

LinkedIn, the professional networking platform owned by Microsoft, recently laid off employees in its Chinese office. This decision came alongside the announcement of the closure of InCareer, a job application site tailored for Chinese users that had replaced the original LinkedIn platform in 2021. These developments illustrate the challenges faced by foreign tech companies operating in China’s complex and evolving market.

Despite the deteriorating relations between China and the United States and the increasing wariness surrounding their respective technological ambitions, MSRA has been a noteworthy example of collaboration between the two nations in the field of high-tech research. Nevertheless, the changing dynamics have impeded the ability of MSRA researchers to collaborate with their counterparts in the West. The increased scrutiny from Chinese authorities has also had a chilling effect on their research endeavors. Previous advantages enjoyed by Chinese nationals working in American institutions, which provided access to abundant resources from both countries, are gradually diminishing. The space for communication and collaboration is narrowing, prompting some to seek alternative environments for vibrant tech discussions.


Microsoft’s decision to move its top AI experts from China to Canada carries significant implications for the market. It signifies a strategic response to geopolitical tensions, aims to safeguard talent from domestic poaching and opens opportunities for enhanced collaboration. This move disrupts China’s tech talent landscape, impacting the country’s AI development. Microsoft’s enduring presence in China, despite challenges faced by other Western tech giants, demonstrates its commitment to the market. The evolving dynamics between the US and China pose challenges for international collaboration in AI research, potentially restricting knowledge exchange and hindering innovation.
