MilliporeSigma Unleashes AIDDISON: Transformative AI-Powered Solution for Drug Discovery and Molecule Synthesis


  • MilliporeSigma introduces AIDDISON, an innovative software-as-a-service platform.
  • AIDDISON bridges the gap between virtual molecule design and real-world manufacturability.
  • The platform utilizes generative AI, machine learning, and drug design to expedite drug development.
  • AIDDISON identifies promising drug candidates with key properties, reducing time and costs.
  • AI in drug discovery could potentially save over $70 billion by 2028.
  • AIDDISON empowers laboratories to optimize chemical synthesis sustainably.

Main AI News:

In a remarkable leap forward for the pharmaceutical sector, MilliporeSigma, the US and Canada Life Science division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, has unveiled AIDDISON, a cutting-edge software-as-a-service platform. AIDDISON is poised to bridge the divide between virtual molecule design and real-world manufacturability through seamless integration with the Synthia retrosynthesis software application programming interface (API).

AIDDISON harnesses the formidable capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and computer-aided drug design, all meticulously orchestrated to expedite the drug development process. Drawing upon a treasure trove of meticulously validated data spanning over two decades of pharmaceutical research and development, the AIDDISON software excels at sifting through an astonishing array of over 60 billion possibilities. Its primary mission? To pinpoint compounds that possess the essential attributes of a successful drug – namely, non-toxicity, solubility, and stability within the human body. Subsequently, the platform proactively outlines the most efficient pathways for synthesizing these prospective drugs.

MilliporeSigma asserts that AI and machine learning models, exemplified by the AIDDISON software, have the potential to unearth concealed insights within vast datasets. These models hold the promise of elevating the success rate in delivering innovative therapies to patients. The company boldly predicts, “AI is poised to yield savings exceeding $70 billion in the drug discovery process by 2028, while concurrently reducing time and cost expenditures for drug discovery within pharmaceutical enterprises by up to 70%.”

Karen Madden, Chief Technology Officer for the Life Science business sector of Merck, highlights the urgency of their mission, stating, “Despite millions of patients eagerly awaiting the approval of new medications, the journey to bring a drug to market still demands more than a decade and costs an average of over $2 billion.” She emphasizes, “Our platform empowers laboratories across the spectrum to harness the capabilities of generative AI in identifying the most promising drug candidates within the expansive chemical landscape. This not only accelerates the chemical synthesis process but also champions sustainability in the development of target molecules.”


MilliporeSigma’s AIDDISON represents a game-changing advancement in drug discovery. By harnessing AI and machine learning, it streamlines the process, potentially saving billions while accelerating the delivery of new therapies to patients. This innovation marks a significant step forward for the pharmaceutical market, with the potential to reshape the industry’s future.
