Ocean City, New Jersey, adopts AI technology by ZeroEyes for gun detection


  • Ocean City, New Jersey, adopts AI gun detection technology by ZeroEyes to enhance security.
  • The system combines AI and human expertise to scan camera feeds for potential firearms.
  • Police Chief Jay Prettyman highlights the potential to save lives and deter crime.
  • Mass shootings have surged in recent years, emphasizing the need for proactive security measures.
  • ZeroEyes’ alert system operates in under 30 seconds and has a substantial client base.
  • Analysts verify threats to minimize false alarms, ensuring efficient response times.
  • Experts caution about the importance of accurate data input for AI systems.
  • ZeroEyes technology focuses solely on detecting dangerous firearm situations, not personal data.
  • Comprehensive security measures and gun policy reform remain essential alongside AI solutions.
  • Experts raise concerns about potential impacts on student psychology due to over-surveillance.
  • A call for gun policy reform persists as the root cause of mass shootings in the U.S.

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In a bid to combat the rising threat of mass shootings, the Ocean City School District in New Jersey, alongside the city’s bustling boardwalk, has embraced cutting-edge technology developed by ZeroEyes. This visionary company combines the prowess of artificial intelligence with human expertise to meticulously scrutinize camera feeds for potential firearms, marking a significant stride in bolstering security measures.

I don’t think anybody should question or be fearful of an artificial intelligence program that’s going to identify an immediate imminent threat of someone being shot or killed. You can’t put a price tag on saving a life,” emphasized Jay Prettyman, the dedicated police chief of Ocean City, in an exclusive interview with ABC News.

The AI-driven gun detection system not only promises enhanced safety but also acts as a powerful deterrent against potential criminal activities. As Chief Prettyman remarked, “If we can establish a visible security presence that dissuades individuals from targeting Ocean City or our schools, we’re fulfilling our paramount duty of safeguarding our children.”

The grim statistics speak for themselves – mass shootings have surged significantly, with over 480 incidents reported this year alone, as per the Gun Violence Archive. However, the implementation of AI gun detection holds the potential to drastically reduce response times, as Chief Prettyman confidently asserted, “I’m 100% confident that we are going to have such a fast response compared to not having this system, [it] is going to increase the opportunity of our officers to get into that building as quickly as possible and save lives.”

ZeroEyes, a company on a mission, has garnered a considerable client base, extending its reach to more than 35 states. Their innovative alert system, from initial AI detection to the swift dispatch of law enforcement, operates in under 30 seconds, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to prompt action.

To ensure the system’s accuracy, ZeroEyes employs a team of experienced analysts, including former law enforcement and veterans, who verify potential threats. This multi-faceted approach minimizes the chances of false alarms and maximizes the efficiency of their life-saving mission.

Nevertheless, experts offer a note of caution, underscoring the critical importance of reliable data inputs. John Cohen, a former acting undersecretary for Intelligence at the Department of Homeland Security, remarked, “If the data coming into the computer that’s using artificial intelligence is flawed or incomplete, the judgments and the analysis created by the computer will be flawed or incomplete as well.”

ZeroEyes CEO Michael Lahiff assured ABC News that their technology is focused solely on detecting dangerous firearm situations, emphasizing that they do not collect personal biometric data. “We’re not collecting faces or names or anything like that. It’s just looking for an object, looking for a gun,” Lahiff clarified.

Despite its potential, ZeroEyes acknowledges that it is not a panacea for the complex issue of mass shootings. Cohen stressed that a comprehensive approach, including active shooter plans, physical security measures, and victim protection protocols, remains essential.

Some experts express concerns regarding the psychological impact of such technology on students. Odis Johnson Jr., PhD, Executive Director of Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, cautions against over-surveillance, which could affect academic performance and college attendance.

Ultimately, while AI-powered gun detection offers a promising step toward enhancing security, it underscores the urgent need for comprehensive gun policy reform to address the root causes of mass shootings in the United States. As Chief Prettyman aptly concludes, “You can’t stop evil, but you have to do the best you can to prevent where it’s going to happen and be prepared to respond once it does.


The adoption of AI-powered gun detection by Ocean City, New Jersey, signifies a significant step forward in enhancing security in the face of rising mass shooting incidents. This technology offers a potentially life-saving solution but underscores the ongoing need for comprehensive security measures and gun policy reform to address the larger issue at hand. The market for AI-driven security solutions is poised for growth as organizations seek innovative ways to protect against emerging threats.
