Telco AI Insights: Ericsson’s Commitment to Trust and Transparency in AI


  • Ericsson is strategically focusing on AI solutions with trust and transparency.
  • Parth Radia, VP of Voice and Video AI, discusses their commitment to ethical AI.
  • Ericsson ONE is investing in Voice and Video AI, including voice-to-video translation.
  • The company envisions video calls with language translation and appearance modification.
  • Future plans may include photorealistic avatars and 3D communications.
  • Ericsson’s approach to preventing misuse involves unbiased dataset construction.
  • Their belief is that early investment will lead to ethical AI practices in the future.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Ericsson stands at a crucial juncture, as AI capabilities reach what Parth Radia, Vice President and General Manager of Voice and Video AI at the Swedish telecommunications giant, describes as “an inflection point.” In a recent conversation with RCR Wireless News as part of the Telco AI Deep Dive series, Radia emphasized Ericsson’s unwavering commitment to building and delivering AI-enabled solutions that revolve around trust and transparency.

Ericsson ONE, the venture arm of Ericsson, plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of communication. Radia shared insights into the company’s diverse interests, which are intricately connected to the realm of communications, connectivity, and the dynamics of human interaction. Among the current focal points of Ericsson ONE is a suite of Voice and Video AI solutions, including the groundbreaking concept of voice-to-video translation.

Imagine having a video call where you can converse in a different language, and not only will your voice be seamlessly translated, but your appearance will also be adapted to match the target language. Radia articulated this visionary concept as a significant stride towards a broader ambition of developing AI-powered tools that enhance voice and video communication. Ericsson’s future endeavors may encompass the creation of photorealistic avatars and the advancement of 3D communication experiences.

Yet, with such groundbreaking technological advancements comes the critical responsibility of preventing misuse. Radia acknowledged the complexity of this challenge and emphasized that it goes beyond mere safety and ethics; it begins with how these technologies are conceived and constructed from the outset.

For Ericsson, this involves meticulous efforts to assemble datasets designed to eliminate bias from the foundational algorithms. Radia emphasized, “When we started this journey, a fundamental tenet of our mission was to ensure that these innovations are accessible and fair for all.” The company firmly believes that the painstaking work invested in the early stages, coupled with the vast troves of data being amassed, will yield significant dividends in the future.

Ericsson is betting that its commitment to addressing the challenges of bias and misuse head-on, right from the inception of AI technologies, will set a precedent and pave the way for responsible AI development. Radia concluded, “There may not be a definitive answer yet on how to completely prevent misuse, but we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries and pioneering ethical practices in AI.”


Ericsson’s dedication to fostering trust and transparency in AI for telecommunications positions them as a responsible innovator in the market. Their commitment to addressing bias and misuse while advancing communication technologies sets a high standard for ethical AI development, which is likely to resonate positively with both consumers and regulators in the evolving telecom landscape.
