Terra Quantum and Nvidia Join Forces to Advance Hybrid Quantum Computing


  • Terra Quantum and Nvidia collaborate on hybrid quantum computing, combining quantum algorithms and high-capacity memory via GPUs.
  • Aim to revolutionize industries like banking, healthcare, logistics, and energy with quantum-accelerated applications.
  • Terra Quantum’s expertise lies in hybrid quantum algorithms, optimizing classical algorithms for quantum circuits.
  • Successful applications include earthquake escape route identification and image classification optimization.
  • Integration of Nvidia GPUs and quantum processing units (QPUs) enhances computational speed.
  • Nvidia’s CUDA Quantum platform ensures efficient execution of Terra Quantum’s applications.
  • The partnership drives advances in quantum-enhanced machine learning and computing capabilities.
  • Terra Quantum harnesses Nvidia’s infrastructure for enhanced performance.
  • The collaboration focuses on optimizing hybrid quantum algorithms for diverse applications.
  • Future plans include scaling quantum machine learning, quantum extension of tensor train algorithms (QTetra), and adapting to native quantum hardware.

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In a groundbreaking partnership, Terra Quantum and Nvidia are collaborating to delve into the realm of hybrid quantum computing. This unique collaboration seeks to unlock the full potential of intricate quantum algorithms, synergizing them with mathematically intensive operations and high-capacity memory, all powered by Nvidia’s cutting-edge graphics processing units (GPUs).

The Transformative Vision

Terra Quantum and Nvidia envision this partnership as a catalyst for change across various industries, including banking, healthcare, logistics, and energy. Together, they aim to pioneer the development of quantum-accelerated applications and drive significant advancements in the field of quantum computing.

The Power of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms

Switzerland-based Terra Quantum specializes in applications fueled by hybrid quantum algorithms, seamlessly blending classical and quantum software. These applications can seamlessly run on Nvidia’s state-of-the-art accelerated computing infrastructure, with the promise of even greater performance enhancements in the future through native quantum hardware.

Florian Neukart, Terra Quantum’s Chief Product Officer, shed light on their approach. It begins with a classical algorithm, like a convolutional neural network, which is commonly used for image classification. Terra Quantum’s experts identify the most intricate segment of the algorithm, typically the last layer, and transform it into an efficient quantum circuit with relatively few qubits. This innovative approach has yielded impressive results.

Revolutionizing Multiple Industries

Terra Quantum’s hybrid quantum algorithms have already demonstrated their superiority in various applications. For instance, in collaboration with the Honda Research Institute, Terra Quantum tackled the crucial task of identifying optimal escape routes during earthquakes. Their hybrid quantum machine-learning solution outperformed conventional methods, delivering significantly higher accuracy.

Similarly, in partnership with Volkswagen, Terra Quantum optimized machine-learning algorithms for image classification. By merging quantum and classical techniques, they engineered a hybrid model that consistently outperformed traditional methods in accuracy, even with fewer training runs.

Unlocking Efficiency and Precision

These success stories underscore the transformative potential of hybrid quantum algorithms, showcasing their ability to outshine classical methods in domains like optimization and machine learning. As organizations increasingly embrace these hybrid solutions, they hold the promise of revolutionizing industries by delivering unparalleled efficiency and accuracy in problem-solving tasks.

Integration with Nvidia GPUs

Neukart emphasized the significance of combining GPU supercomputing with quantum computing, a monumental advancement in processing capacity. This fusion addresses the challenges associated with iterative quantum algorithms, particularly in the realm of machine learning.

Terra Quantum’s objective is clear: develop quantum machine-learning techniques that leverage hybrid quantum neural networks for parallel processing on both quantum processing units (QPUs) and GPUs. This approach optimizes the training process in deep neural networks, which is crucial for advanced machine-learning models. Efficient switching between quantum neural layers within a GPU-QPU hybrid configuration ensures operational efficiency.

Nvidia’s Role in Optimization

Nvidia’s open-source CUDA Quantum platform plays a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient execution of both classical and quantum components within Terra Quantum applications. This platform maximizes algorithm performance through Nvidia’s leading GPUs, enhancing the overall performance of customers.

A Collaborative Vision for the Future

The partnership between Terra Quantum and Nvidia represents a collective effort to integrate advanced GPU processing with quantum computing. This integration is poised to drive significant advances in computing capabilities, offering enhanced problem-solving abilities across various domains, particularly in quantum-enhanced machine learning.

Harnessing Nvidia’s Infrastructure

Terra Quantum harnesses Nvidia’s accelerated computing infrastructure to supercharge the performance of its applications, especially in the domain of hybrid quantum neural networks. Markus Pflitsch, CEO and Founder of Terra Quantum, highlights how CUDA accelerates tasks that allow parallel execution, significantly reducing execution time.

The Crucial Synergy

The synergy between GPUs and QPUs holds the key to optimizing hybrid quantum algorithms. Seamless GPU-QPU integration allows for efficient computations, further enhancing overall efficiency.

A Glimpse into the Future

Markus Pflitsch predicts that Terra Quantum’s collaboration with Nvidia will yield impactful results in two critical areas:

  1. Physics-informed neural networks: CUDA’s acceleration of training processes improves predictive modeling and simulations, benefiting sectors such as finance and manufacturing.
  2. TetraBox framework: Leveraging CUDA, TetraBox implements crucial algorithms based on tensor trains, promising substantial performance acceleration, especially in financial services and industrial simulations.

A Quantum Leap Forward

As native quantum hardware becomes more prevalent, Terra Quantum is poised to evolve its applications in several ways:

  1. Embracing a Hybrid Approach: While recognizing the ongoing importance of hybrid computing, Terra Quantum aims to maximize performance on native QPUs as these technologies mature.
  2. Advancements in Quantum Machine Learning: As native quantum hardware evolves, hybrid quantum machine-learning algorithms are expected to scale, enabling larger quantum neural networks and faster computations.
  3. Quantum Extension of Tensor Train Algorithms (QTetra): Terra Quantum is actively developing QTetra, a quantum extension of its tensor train algorithms, to address complex challenges beyond the capabilities of classical computing, revolutionizing various industries.

Adapting to the Quantum Landscape

Terra Quantum’s strategy involves a transitional phase, focusing on maximizing performance through hybrid models while preparing to fully leverage native quantum hardware as it becomes more widespread. With innovations like QTetra and the TetraBox framework, Terra Quantum is well-positioned to shape the future of quantum computing solutions.


The collaboration between Terra Quantum and Nvidia in the realm of hybrid quantum computing holds immense promise for industries seeking to optimize complex algorithms and enhance computational capabilities. As quantum-accelerated applications continue to demonstrate their superiority, this partnership signifies a significant step towards reshaping markets, unlocking unparalleled efficiency, and revolutionizing problem-solving across various sectors.
