AI models trained on AI-generated data experience Model Autophagy Disorder (MAD) after approximately five training cycles


  • AI models trained on AI-generated data experience Model Autophagy Disorder (MAD) after approximately five training cycles, resulting in mutated outputs detached from reality.
  • MAD leads to a convergence effect where models lose access to data at the extremes of the original distribution, regressing towards the mean.
  • Autoencoders, Gaussian mixture models, and large language models are susceptible to MAD, impacting tasks such as popularity prediction, image compression, clustering, and chatbot applications.
  • The disappearance of data at the edges of the spectrum raises concerns about biased models and algorithmic bigotry.
  • Data provenance becomes crucial, necessitating the separation of “original” and “artificial” data to prevent unintentional inclusion in future training.
  • Identifying watermarks for AI-generated content and responsible labeling of such data gain importance.
  • Adjusting model weightings can mitigate biases, but determining optimal weightings and understanding fine-tuning effects pose challenges.

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A groundbreaking study on artificial intelligence (AI) has shed light on a critical limitation plaguing current-generation networks like ChatGPT and Midjourney. The research reveals that training AI models on AI-generated data leads to a phenomenon known as Model Autophagy Disorder (MAD), where the models deteriorate in output quality after undergoing five training cycles. The consequences are strikingly aberrant results that deviate from reality.

MAD, which stands for Model Autophagy Disorder, has been coined by researchers from Rice and Stanford Universities involved in this study. They describe MAD as a phenomenon where AI models, including large language models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s friendly AI Claude, gradually consume themselves akin to the mythical Ouroboros. This self-devouring process causes the models to lose information regarding the extremes of the original data distribution. Consequently, the outputs generated by the models become more aligned with the average representation of the data, analogous to a snake consuming its own tail. This convergence effect on the model’s own data composition becomes apparent when examining the graph shared by Nicolas Papernot, a member of the research team, on Twitter. The graph depicts successive training iterations on data generated by large language models, leading to a dramatic loss of data from the tails of the Bell curve, which represents the outliers and less common elements.

The data residing at the edges of the spectrum, characterized by fewer variations and lower representation, essentially vanishes. As a result, the remaining data within the model becomes less diverse and regresses toward the mean. The study indicates that after approximately five training rounds, the tails of the original distribution disappear, marking the onset of MAD. While Model Autophagy Disorder may not affect all AI models, the researchers confirmed its presence in autoencoders, Gaussian mixture models, and large language models. These models, which are susceptible to MAD, have gained widespread usage over time. Autoencoders excel in tasks like popularity prediction in social media algorithms, image compression, denoising, and generation. Gaussian mixture models, on the other hand, are instrumental in density estimation, clustering, and image segmentation, making them invaluable in statistical and data sciences. Additionally, large language models, such as ChatGPT, have found extensive applications as popular chatbot platforms. Unfortunately, these models are also prone to MAD when trained on their own outputs.

The implications of these findings underscore the significance of AI systems in both corporate and public domains. They provide an unprecedented glimpse into the black box of AI development, dispelling any notion of an infinite data source achieved by feeding AI models their own generated data. This practice, intended to create a self-sustaining loop of data generation, ultimately leads to biased models that fail to consider minority data. It could be inferred as algorithmic bigotry.

Another notable outcome of the study is the heightened concern over data provenance. It becomes increasingly crucial to distinguish “original” data from “artificial” data generated by large language models or generative image applications. Failure to identify AI-generated content accurately could result in the inadvertent inclusion of such data in the training of future AI systems.

Unfortunately, it appears that this ship may have already sailed. Considerable amounts of unlabeled data produced by these networks have already permeated various systems. Even if we possessed a snapshot of the entire internet before the advent of ChatGPT or Midjourney’s popularity, AI-generated data have been pouring onto the World Wide Web for quite some time. The sheer volume of data produced by these models cannot be ignored.

Nonetheless, with knowledge comes opportunity. Acknowledging this challenge prompts the pursuit of developing infallible watermarks to identify AI-generated content, now a considerably more significant and lucrative endeavor. Furthermore, the responsibility to label AI-generated data becomes a critical requirement.

Fortunately, various methods can help counteract these biases. Adjusting the model’s weightings is one approach; by increasing the relevance and frequency of results at the tails of the distribution, they can naturally shift closer to the mean along the bell curve. Consequently, they become less susceptible to pruning during the self-generative training process. While the model still loses data at the edges of the curve, it is no longer the only data available.

However, determining the optimal weightings and frequency adjustments presents its own challenge. The effects of model fine-tuning on the output must also be thoroughly understood to address these biases effectively.

Answering each question surrounding this issue gives rise to a plethora of new ones. We delve into inquiries concerning the veracity of the model’s responses, the origin of bias (whether it stems from training data, the weighting process, or the MAD phenomenon), and the repercussions of training models on their own data. As demonstrated, the outcomes of such training are far from virtuous.

Indeed, even individuals without access to new experiences eventually wither, becoming echo chambers of the past. Consequently, it is accurate to state that when models are trained on their own outputs, they inevitably collapse.


The discovery of Model Autophagy Disorder (MAD) in AI models trained on their own outputs reveals significant implications for the market. The limitations highlighted in this study demonstrate the risk of biased models and the need for distinguishing between original and AI-generated data. This knowledge opens up new opportunities for developing watermarks and labeling requirements. Companies operating in the AI industry must carefully consider the consequences of training models on their own outputs and take proactive measures to address biases and ensure responsible AI development and deployment. By doing so, they can safeguard against algorithmic bigotry and maintain the trust of their users and stakeholders.
