UM6P to Host High-Level Forum on Artificial Intelligence, Development in Africa

  • UM6P to host high-level forum on AI from June 3 to 5 at Ai Movement research center.
  • Forum focuses on AI’s transformative potential in Africa post-GITEX Africa.
  • Discussions encompass AI strategies, latest developments, and governance.
  • Emphasis on balancing innovation with regulatory frameworks.
  • Tripartite agreement between UNESCO, Moroccan government, and Ai Movement to establish Ai Movement as UNESCO Category 2 Center.

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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) is gearing up to host a prestigious forum on Artificial Intelligence (AI) from June 3 to 5 at the Ai Movement research center nestled within the UM6P campus in Sale. Following the success of GITEX Africa, scheduled from March 29 to 31, this forum aims to delve into the immense potential of AI to revolutionize the African landscape.

In a recent announcement, UM6P underscored the profound impact of AI on both personal and professional realms worldwide. “The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with its sophisticated applications and autonomous systems encroaching upon human activities is reshaping our personal and professional domains, as well as societies globally,” the university stated.

Africa’s aspirations to harness cutting-edge technologies, including AI, will take center stage at the forum. “Africa is poised to capitalize on the possibilities presented by emerging technologies, particularly AI, to drive a transformative agenda and position the continent as a pivotal player in the 21st century,” emphasized UM6P.

This transformative journey necessitates a strategic approach to AI development, ensuring alignment with digital transformation initiatives while instituting robust legal and regulatory frameworks to safeguard users and society at large, UM6P emphasized.

The forum is slated to address pivotal objectives, encompassing discussions on AI strategies and policies, showcasing the latest AI advancements in Africa, and fostering dialogues on AI governance pertinent to African communities. Additionally, it will inaugurate capacity-building endeavors across various sectors, including the public sector, judiciary, legislative bodies, and underrepresented groups such as youth and women.

UM6P shed light on the divergent views surrounding AI’s potential, noting, “While some perceive AI as a revolutionary force poised to enhance lives, others underscore its transformative potential in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, along with its implications for competitiveness and productivity in the global economy in the years ahead.”

A central concern highlighted by the university pertains to striking a balance between fostering innovation and implementing effective regulation. “A paramount consideration revolves around safeguarding citizens, democratic principles, and overall societal welfare, while fostering an environment conducive to the growth of emerging technologies and local enterprises,” elucidated the press release.

UM6P emphasized the imperative for governments to evolve alongside technology, crafting and enforcing regulations that safeguard public interests while leveraging AI-driven solutions for inclusive development, societal welfare, and economic advancement.

Furthermore, the forum will witness the formalization of a tripartite agreement between UNESCO, the Moroccan government, and Ai Movement, designating the Ai Movement as a UNESCO Category 2 Center. This agreement underscores the pivotal role of the center as a regional hub for AI research, development, governance, capacity-building, and collaborative initiatives across Africa.

In an interview with French television network TV5Monde’s program Le Journal Afrique, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Executive President of Ai Movement, elucidated on the significance of being recognized as a UNESCO Category 2 center. Seghrouchni highlighted that this designation signifies a “stamp of excellence” bestowed by 193 member states during the UNESCO General Conference in November 2023.

This acknowledgment reflects our commitment to aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals, as we strive to cultivate AI solutions that are reliable, ethical, and socially responsible, aimed at addressing societal challenges,” Seghrouchni remarked.


UM6P’s forthcoming forum underscores Africa’s commitment to harnessing AI’s transformative power. It highlights the region’s potential as a hub for AI development, with a focus on fostering innovation while ensuring robust regulatory measures. The establishment of the Ai Movement as a UNESCO Category 2 Center further solidifies Africa’s position in the global AI landscape, signaling lucrative opportunities for businesses to engage in collaborative initiatives and drive technological advancements in the region.


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