Microsoft Unveils ‘Jugalbandi’: A Revolutionary AI-Driven Chatbot for Rural India (Video)


  • Microsoft introduces ‘Jugalbandi,’ an AI-driven chatbot for farmers and rural users in India.
  • The chatbot operates through WhatsApp and aims to provide information on government schemes in multiple languages.
  • Jugalbandi helps bridge the language barrier in India, where English is spoken by only 11% of the population.
  • The chatbot understands users’ queries in their native language and delivers reliable information even if it exists in a different language.
  • Jugalbandi covers 10 of India’s official languages and approximately 171 government programs.
  • Microsoft is actively working to refine the chatbot based on user feedback and collaboration with organizations like Gram Vaani.
  • Once perfected, Jugalbandi will enable hassle-free access to government schemes for rural users.

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In a groundbreaking announcement, Microsoft introduced ‘Jugalbandi,’ an innovative chatbot powered by generative AI. This cutting-edge technology aims to cater specifically to the needs of farmers and rural users in India. Developed in collaboration with Microsoft Research, AI4Bharat—an open-source language AI center based at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras—and OpenNyAI, Jugalbandi is set to revolutionize access to information on government schemes in multiple languages.

According to an official press release, Jugalbandi will operate through the widely used WhatsApp messaging service. Its primary objective is to overcome language barriers by providing information on government programs in easily understandable formats. Given that English is spoken by a mere 11 percent of India’s 1.4 billion population, and only 57 percent of Indians speak Hindi, a significant portion of the population faces difficulties in accessing government initiatives due to linguistic challenges.

To address this issue, Jugalbandi empowers all Indians with effortless access to information in their local language through a simple mobile phone. Gone are the days of standing in long queues at local community service centers to obtain basic information. Microsoft emphasized, “Jugalbandi offers all Indians an easy access to information in the local language through a mobile phone, instead of having to head to the local community service center and stand in line just to get basic information.”

The key differentiating factor of Jugalbandi lies in its ability to understand a user’s precise problem in their native language. Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, the chatbot then delivers reliable and cost-effective solutions, even if the necessary information exists in a different language within its extensive database.

Utilizing Jugalbandi is as straightforward as interacting with any other WhatsApp chatbot. Users can initiate a conversation by simply sending a “hi” message to a designated number. Microsoft elaborated on the process, stating, “A villager sends a text or audio message to a WhatsApp number, which initiates the Jugalbandi bot. That is transcribed to text using the AI4Bharat speech recognition model. That, in turn, is translated to English by the Bhashini translation model trained by AI4Bharat.”

Once the relevant government scheme is determined based on the user’s query, Azure OpenAI Service’s model retrieves the required information. The answer is then seamlessly translated into Hindi and synthesized using the AI4Bharat text-to-speech model. Finally, the response is sent back to WhatsApp, allowing the user to conveniently access the information through audio.

Presently, Jugalbandi supports 10 of India’s 22 official languages and offers assistance on 171 out of approximately 20,000 government programs. While the application is still in its early stages and may have some rough edges, Microsoft has expressed its commitment to refining the system. AI4Bharat is actively seeking feedback from organizations like Gram Vaani, a Delhi-based social enterprise that closely collaborates with farmers, in order to address any issues and improve the chatbot’s performance.

Once the necessary enhancements are implemented, Microsoft envisions a future where users can effortlessly understand and enroll in basic government schemes, free from unnecessary hassles. Jugalbandi marks a significant step forward in bridging the gap between language barriers and effective governance, empowering farmers and rural communities across India.


Microsoft’s introduction of ‘Jugalbandi’ represents a significant advancement in addressing language barriers and providing inclusive access to government programs in rural India. The innovative chatbot has the potential to empower farmers and rural communities by delivering essential information in local languages through a widely accessible platform like WhatsApp. This development aligns with the growing demand for AI-driven solutions in emerging markets, highlighting Microsoft’s commitment to leveraging technology for social impact and addressing the unique needs of diverse populations.
