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Stability AI has launched its first language model


  • Stability AI has launched its StableLM suite of language models.
  • The first offering, the StableLM open-source language model, is now available in alpha with 3 billion and 7 billion parameters, both trained on 800 billion data tokens.
  • The company aims to demonstrate the efficacy of small, efficient models that can deliver outstanding performance with proper training.
  • The StableLM suite builds on Stability AI’s commitment to transparency, accessibility, and support in AI design. -Potential applications of the StableLM suite include text and code generation.
  • The StableLM language model is effective in conversational and coding tasks, making it ideal for a range of applications.
  • The StableLM-Alpha models were trained on a new experimental dataset, three times larger than The Pile.
  • Developers are encouraged to use and adapt the base models for commercial or research purposes.
  • The StableLM suite includes a set of research models fine-tuned using recent open-source datasets for conversational agents.
  • The company has promised to release a technical report that will detail the model’s specifications and training settings.
  • Open-source is the future of AI, and stability AI’s StableLM suite is at the forefront of this revolution.

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In a major development, Stability AI, the driving force behind cutting-edge generative AI models like Stable Diffusion and Dance Diffusion, has unveiled its StableLM suite of language models. The company, which has made a name for itself in the AI domain by developing models for image, audio, video, 3D, and biology, has now set its sights on the language model space, where tech giants such as OpenAI, Meta, and Stanford hold sway.

The StableLM suite’s first offering, the StableLM open-source language model, is now available in alpha, boasting 3 billion and 7 billion parameters, both trained on 800 billion data tokens, with even larger models with 15 billion to 65 billion parameters to follow. This move comes after stability AI’s successful launch of Stable Diffusion, a breakthrough open-source image model that offers a transparent and scalable AI alternative, in 2022.

With the launch of StableLM, stability AI aims to demonstrate the efficacy of small, efficient models that can deliver outstanding performance with proper training. The suite builds on the company’s commitment to transparency, accessibility, and support in AI design. This latest release is a testament to Stability AI’s mission to make foundational AI technology accessible to all, with potential applications including text and code generation.

The StableLM Suite: A Game-Changer in Open-Source AI 

Stability AI, the company behind innovative generative AI models such as Stable Diffusion and Dance Diffusion, has once again disrupted the AI industry with the launch of its StableLM suite of language models. The StableLM builds on the company’s prior success with the Stable Diffusion image model, which provided a transparent and accessible open-source alternative to proprietary AI models like DALL-E. The StableLM language model is not only capable of generating text and code, but it is also highly effective in conversational and coding tasks, making it ideal for a range of applications.

The StableLM-Alpha models were trained on a new experimental dataset, three times larger than The Pile, which contains 1.5 trillion tokens and boasts a context length of 4,096 tokens. Stability AI has a long-standing commitment to transparency and accessibility in AI design, and the StableLM suite is no exception. Developers are encouraged to use and adapt the base models for commercial or research purposes, subject to the terms of the CC BY-SA-4.0 license, which requires credit to be given to stability AI and a link to the license.

In addition to the base models, the StableLM suite includes a set of research models that have been fine-tuned using a combination of five recent open-source datasets for conversational agents, including Stanford’s Alpaca, Nomic-AI’s gpt4all, RyokoAI’s ShareGPT52K datasets, Databricks Labs’ Dolly, and Anthropic’s HH. These models referred to as StableLM-Tuned-Alpha, are intended for research use only and are released under the noncommercial CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

The company has promised to release a technical report that will detail the model’s specifications and training settings, providing valuable insight into the inner workings of the StableLM suite. Open-source is the future of AI, and stability AI’s StableLM suite is at the forefront of this revolution.


The launch of Stability AI’s StableLM suite of language models marks a significant development in the AI industry. The StableLM open-source language model is available in alpha with 3 billion and 7 billion parameters, both trained on 800 billion data tokens, and the company aims to demonstrate the efficacy of small, efficient models with proper training. The StableLM suite builds on Stability AI’s commitment to transparency, accessibility, and support in AI design and has potential applications in text and code generation.

The StableLM language model is effective in conversational and coding tasks and was trained on a new experimental dataset, three times larger than The Pile. With the launch of StableLM, stability AI is positioning itself as a leader in the open-source AI revolution and is offering a transparent and accessible alternative to proprietary AI models. This latest release is a testament to Stability AI’s mission to make foundational AI technology accessible to all and its commitment to transparency and accessibility in AI design.
